Sophrologue à Nice
Sophrologue à Nice

When to consult a sophrologist?

  • When you are well and you seek to continue this state for a long time
  • When you want to manage your daily stress, feel all your emotions, assert yourself
  • When you have a goal to achieve: an exam – a competition  – a licence – an interview – a presentation - a performance
  • When you want to become a parent and have a child: pregnancy (a PMA - hormonal treatments- an IVF), childbirth, when you want to adopt,
  • When you want to get rid of a disorder: eating – sleep – phobias – addictions,
  • When you have a medical treatment and you want to stimulate your healing and manage your pain,
  • When you want to work on your concentration, your adaptability, your creativity, your vitality.

Consulting a sophrologist will bring you tools to find your own resources and be independent with your needs.

The sophrologist will suggest exercises for :

  • Controlling breathing: to focus on your body in consciousness here and now. Controlled breathing increases the ability to live its fears, its anger, its track. Being attentive to the rhythm of your breathing assure you calm in yourself,
  • Muscle relaxation: it is about contracting and releasing a part of your body by focusing on the movements made and the perceived feelings. These movements trigger a state of relaxation,
  • Positive visualization: relaxed and in a modified state of consciousness, between waking and sleep, you will project yourself into restorative situations (already experienced or not) and expand your consciousness: your perception of yourself and others. Then your resources will emerge.

Thanks to the accompaniment of a sophrologist and your regular and assiduous training, you will quickly be autonomous (eight to ten sessions are enough) and this regular practice may become part of philosophy of life.

So, think and test sophrology.

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